Reality First - Combat, Violence and Aggession

Teaching of combat and violence for stage and fight direction, based upon the teachings of John Waller, which have been used for over 40 years. This approach has been used by a number of fight teachers and directors. It is currently actively being taught by Jonathan Waller, Kristina Soeborg, Rodney Cottier, Jonathan Mitchell as well as many others, in the UK, and across the world from Italy to Mexico...

Monday 28 November 2011

Re-emergence of aspects of bare knuckle Pugilism in MMA

An interesting piece on how aspects of Pre Marquis of Queensbury rules boxing are reappearing in modern MMA can be found here; The Pugilist: Nick Diaz, Daniel Mendoza, and the Sweet Science of Bruising


Saturday 19 November 2011

'Tis Pity She's a Whore......

Finished working on Cheek By Jowls current production of 'Tis Pity She's A Whore. It is off to Paris to open it's international tour, which will carry through till late in the Spring next year.

As so often happens there were 3 ex-students in the cast.
Ryan Ellsworth and Jack Hawkins, from LAMDA and Laurence Spellman from Guildhall.

Going down Mexico way....

Just under two weeks to go before we will be in Mexico for some pre-Yule teaching.....
We will be teaching a beginners/introductory course and a Master class/teachers course directed at our friends out there who are teaching and their top students.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Busy times but quiet on the Posting front

Work has kept me busy and meant that I have not had much chance to do anything on the web.
Teaching is going well and the new students are taking well to the subject.

Outside of teaching. I have working on a Modern Romeo and Juliet at Saint Paul's school and and am about to start working on Tis Pity she's a Whore for Cheek By Jowl, directed by Declan Donellan.

We also have a little less than a month till we head of to Mexcio for two weeks teaching getting back to Europe in time for a a festive and relaxing Yule tide season. It will be then time to welcome in 2012!

Where did 2011 go??

Sunday 11 September 2011

New teaching has started...

Did introductory classes with the S1s at LAMDA, seemed ok but a mixed group as always.
The new Rutgers kids seemed nice though quite serious by and large and some were desperately trying to "get it"   in the first class.

Monday 5 September 2011

New teaching year beginning...

So the summer is as good as over.... and to prove it, new teaching begins. Whole new groups of fresh students. Starting this week, on Friday morning at LAMDA the Semester course and in the afternoon, the new Rutgers group at the Globe.

Looking forward to meeting them, but especially the Rutgers kids as I have them through to till the end of March and they will take the exam. I also get a good allowance of time with them, so it's good to see their progression.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Four nights in Knaresborough

My recent work on the production of Four nights in Knaresborough at the Southwark playhouse.
You can read the full review at

It's a generally very positive review of the production and makes a good mention of the violence,

" A blow to the head causes him to lose the use of his legs for a good chunk of the play and his final monologue is crazed and has me in tears as his emotional turmoil becomes increasingly violent. His believable attack on Brito is so realistic it is difficult to watch. Fight director Jonathan Waller has delivered great direction of some impressive and often hard to watch fight sequences."

The production runs at the Southwark Playhouse until the 13th August.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Teaching In Mexico

So the tickets have been booked, and we will be going to teach a Masters course in Mexico at the beginning of December. This will be primarily be aimed advanced students and those already teaching.
We may also be running a morning course for less experienced students.
It will be really good to be back in Mexico and to see all our Mexican friends and brothers of the sword.

One slight concern will be the climate transition from December in Europe to Mexico and then back to Europe again just before Yule!!

Monday 27 June 2011

In productions

I have been working on a couple of the final year showings at LAMDA, Arcadia and The Talented Mr Ripley.
The action is not particularly involved, one is really doing the job of Fight Director, where one is directing the scene from the perspective of the characters. You are looking at who the character is, the context of the situation and then guiding them to find their way through it.
It is always interesting to see who functions well when it comes to this aspects. People who have been quite skilful with the more technical requirements of stage combat may not get this. Others who maybe were less apt in the training might well find they "get it" now.

Saturday 25 June 2011

So here we are

Fight Night went very well. 73 Fighters in 34 scenes, sounds a lot but each half ran at an hour or less. The Lyric Hammersmith was as good as full.

The next day at  the exam 85 people were being examined at levels 1, 3 and Specialisation.
Jonathan Howell was the examiner and we had an enjoyable day, everyone passed with generally very good grades.

New weapons and combinations were tried out and generally made a good show.

So that's the big drive over for another year. Summer schools start next week.

Monday 30 May 2011

1st Post and Fight Night

Although I created this blog two months ago this is my first post.
Things have been busy with teaching.
With a week to go until LAMDAs Fight Night, this year at The Lyric Theatre Hammersmith things have been hectic with choreography over 50 fights for 32 scenes and other module fights.
Making new shields, preparing weapons, costume, scripts amd all the other things that go in to getting the event ready.

I am looking forward to next Wednesday when Fight Night and the exam on Tuesday will be out of the way.