Reality First - Combat, Violence and Aggession

Teaching of combat and violence for stage and fight direction, based upon the teachings of John Waller, which have been used for over 40 years. This approach has been used by a number of fight teachers and directors. It is currently actively being taught by Jonathan Waller, Kristina Soeborg, Rodney Cottier, Jonathan Mitchell as well as many others, in the UK, and across the world from Italy to Mexico...


The Philosophy can be summed up in one line.
Reality first theatricality second.
What does this mean?
If we take as a baseline that the goal of the performance and performer is to be credible. This credibility is based upon the reality that has been created. Everything that is presented needs to fit within this reality. Anything that sits outside of this reality will not be believed and will diminish the credibility of the whole.

As such everything the actors do, needs to be based upon that reality. Violence is a vital part of this, yet is something that is too often over looked, considered to be less important and often sits in its own version of reality, in a form of one size fits all, where the same actions and intentions are played out regardless of the world they play out in.

Violence is communication, there is no more emphatic way of saying Yes or No than through and act of violence.

More to follow.....