Reality First - Combat, Violence and Aggession

Teaching of combat and violence for stage and fight direction, based upon the teachings of John Waller, which have been used for over 40 years. This approach has been used by a number of fight teachers and directors. It is currently actively being taught by Jonathan Waller, Kristina Soeborg, Rodney Cottier, Jonathan Mitchell as well as many others, in the UK, and across the world from Italy to Mexico...


What are the Principles?
The Principles are the fundamentals that can be seen to govern movement in general and combat specifically. By understanding and applying the Principles one can develop the skills to operate more efficiently under pressure and to produce a more credible performance.

Awareness - One has to be aware, of ones self, the environment and others who are in it before anything else can be done. The key training tool to developing Awareness is the use of eye contact in training.

Balance - Understanding Balance, within the self, between the opponents and within the context of setting is vital, mental balance, not over fixating, shifting focus from internal to external, from close to wide.

Combative Intention - Intention directs the actions. What is the goal? What are those involved prepared to invest to achieve that goal?

More to follow.......