Reality First - Combat, Violence and Aggession

Teaching of combat and violence for stage and fight direction, based upon the teachings of John Waller, which have been used for over 40 years. This approach has been used by a number of fight teachers and directors. It is currently actively being taught by Jonathan Waller, Kristina Soeborg, Rodney Cottier, Jonathan Mitchell as well as many others, in the UK, and across the world from Italy to Mexico...

Thursday 28 April 2016

A prod in the right direction

Having recently read a post on Rory Millers blog about how he had changed the way he used his blog, moving from a place to put thoughts in to words and then to something where he was trying to present a more polished end result and now deciding to go back to the original intent....
This has prompted me to reconsider my blogs and ans how I post on them as ready Rory's post made me realise I had been doing something similar, waiting to get it just right but then ending up not posting most things...

So hopefully I will be posting more often.