Reality First - Combat, Violence and Aggession

Teaching of combat and violence for stage and fight direction, based upon the teachings of John Waller, which have been used for over 40 years. This approach has been used by a number of fight teachers and directors. It is currently actively being taught by Jonathan Waller, Kristina Soeborg, Rodney Cottier, Jonathan Mitchell as well as many others, in the UK, and across the world from Italy to Mexico...

Friday 14 June 2013

The gloved hand

I recently was reading a Stage Combat blog. One entry was about a new pair of stage combat gloves the writer had bought. Gloves seem to be a must in Stage combat in the US, though they are popular amongst other organisations and individuals.
I think I have mentioned that we don't allow anyone to use gloves to start with, though in certain circumstances with heavier weapons we do allow it in performance, though generally not in training...

I posted a question to the blog post, Why the need for gloves, that I had never received a satisfactory answer to this.
Posted below is his response
To protect your hands from the swords and the swords from your hands. Little dings on the hand that might have been bloody will just be bruises if you’re wearing gloves — especially when you’re using weapons without a big fancy guard, or working in styles with hand beats or half-swording. And any moisture or sweat on your hands will start the high-carbon steel rusting.
Below my reply
It is up to the individual, of course, but these reasons don’t and have never convinced me, The best protection for the hands is to not allow them to get hit in the first place, I almost never wear gloves when I fight and don’t get hit on the hands, In my experience of teaching for over 20 years and previously to that my fathers 30 years is that people look after unprotected hands more than they do when they wear gloves. The gloves give both sides a false sense of security, especially the gloves that most stage combatants wear as they are unpadded and do nothing against a meaningful hit. Though an increase of padding just makes things worse as an increased perception of safety leads to greater risk taking. Hand beats and half swording again can be done fine, even with non rebated weapons without gloves, I have seen no real reason to use them with rebated weapons. I also hear the arguments about chips on the blades etc, but that is not a problem with well maintained blades or those crafted properly.
In regards to moisture, depends on the person, but most people don’t get sweaty hands unless they are either gripping to tightly, or wearing gloves which hold in the heat. As to moisture and possible rust on the sword, that can be dealt with by a quick clean or wipe of the weapons after use, something that should be done anyway, IMO
Hands can get hit, but they are not being specifically targeted and with properly blade placement and parries etc. they are in no more danger danger than another body part. One could argue that same chances of things going wrong could be applied to mistakes leading to face or head hits, yet no one I am aware of recommends that stage combat should be done with fencing masks or eye protection.
It is my belief that the use of gloves is received wisdom, people do it because that is what is done, the reasons for them seems to make sense and no one questions it. Or they receive a hit on the hands, caused in part because of a lack of awareness due to feeling safer in gloves and poor technique and then praise the gloves for having saved the day, rather than looking at the fact that the gloves are a major part in why the hand got hit in first place.

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